Notes on the obligation to take back packaging material

According to the current packaging law, we are obliged to take back the following packaging materials from end consumers free of charge in accordance with Section 15 (1) sentence 1 VerpackG:

- Transport packaging, such as pallets, bulk packaging, etc.,
- Sales and outer packaging that typically does not end up as waste after use by private end users,
- Sales and outer packaging for which system participation is not possible due to system incompatibility according to Section 7 (5), and
- Sales packaging of hazardous filling goods or
- reusable packaging.

When the product is delivered, appropriate packaging material is used, which we will take back free of charge. We thus ensure that the packaging material is returned to the recycling cycle. By providing information about the return options, better results should be achieved when packaging is returned and a contribution to the fulfillment of the European recycling targets according to EU Directive 94/62/EC should be ensured.

As an end user, you can hand in the packaging material at the place where it is actually handed over or in its immediate vicinity.